You Know How I Know You're Gay?
You had a woman convicted for sucking your dick!
I thought about this title for this post...
I mean, holy sh!t. Holy "cock gobblin reach around" sh!t. If this guy is not gay then at least it's safe to say he'll die alone. No girl will suck his dick after this fiasco... and I'm thinking some of his boyfriends might have second thoughts about it too.
Wow... woman goes to jail for a blow job. This is how you know the last days are near.
BBC Says Indian Men Have Small Dicks

(Apparently two inches wins "Big Dick" award in India.)
Wow... It really sucks to be an Indian guy today. It's not every day a world renowned news source reports that an entire county's male population is below average in penis size. But damn, it's funny.
Favorite quote from article,
"And normally one feels shy to go to a chemist's shop and ask for a smaller size condom."
... yeah, I bet you do. LMFAO!!!
See full story
Tags: India, dick, penis, Indian, BBC, World News, Small