This is My Boom Stick!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Why Democrats Lose Elections to Morons

The only people that could have lost the presidency to George W. Gump were Al "no spine" Gore and The Horse Faced Killah, John Kerry. And you know what? The Dems dug these winners up out of all the population in the country just so that we the people of the untied states of America could lose all faith in this so called democracy.

Well, in another brain-gem of an idea, democrat Hillary "finger on the pulse of non-issues" Clinton may be about to suggest a special tax for video games in much the same way as they now have taxes on cigarettes.

Now, you'd think with republivangelism keeping things like stem cell research from moving forward or with an un-winnable war at hand there would be something better to talk about than taxing video games?

I'm gonna hope this is just a rumor and that the Democrats are not this clueless... but who knows anymore.

The best thing the democrats could do right now, other than suggest taxes for video games (God help us), would be to put Obama in charge of all party operations. He seems to be the only one with any dignity, intelligence, and compassion.

Come to think about it, I'm gonna write Obama in on the ballot no matter if he runs or not. I think we should start an underground movement for this. Screw whoever the dems nominate. You know it'll be a loser. They're known for pickin' losers. Write in Obama!

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