Tie Shoes Faster and Other Shoe Coolness!
This guy featured on RocketBoom figured out a way to tie shoe laces more efficiently. Thank god. See the video...
This guy figured out how to make the ipod nano track how far you run (even without Nike+ shoes!) You can buy the ipod Nike Sport Kit here.

This guy figured out how to shine shoes in 5 minutes.

This is "a simple plastic netting that fits over shoes to provide traction on ice and snow." It's just sweet. For just $20... I am so getting these this winter.

And, last but not least... the gratuitous Man Sandal pic (aka "the Mandal").

This pic is from Man-Sandals.com, Dawg. This guy has cornered the Man Sandle Market with his site designed conveniently for Google adsense. Wanna monetize your Mandal site, blog, or website? Try Google Adsense. You can follow my link under "Necessities".
how to, shine shoes, Tie Shoes, ipod, Nike, Sport Kit, Yaktrax, Mandal, Adsense
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